

Euro is stronger in the whole exchange market(June 10th,2008)

 Extract from the Nikkei (Japan economic newspaper), Jun.7th.Monday, 2008

Euro is stronger to major currencies in the foreign exchange market by expectation of rise interest rate in Euro zone. EBC President Jean-Claude Trichet stressed on June 5th that he will watch the inflation in EU countries carefully, and it will be possible to rise the interest rate in EBC meeting in July.

1 euro was 165 yen at one time in Tokyo market on June 6th. It is 5 months since yen was so weak against the euro. Some people said “It will continue that many people watch the difference of interest rate to buy euro.”

A Japanese bank clerk says “Exchange markets are interested in the movement of inflation. The percentage of rising price index in Japan will be lower, and it is easy to sell yen under such situation.”

By this situation, finally, 1 euro is 167.85 yen(TTS) on June 10th (Tuseday), today.
(Nakamura Noen Co., Ltd)

(Last Update:12/12/2017)