“Spring flowers of the Netherland”start in Makino Botanical Garden(Mar. 8th, 2011)
Hiroshi Nakamura On March 5th, “Exhibitions of Shikoku ...
New Year’s Greeting on Floriculture newspaper(1/4/2011)
A happy new year 2011!! Still Japanese flower industry...
Schedule of our test greenhouse(until June, 2011) (2010/12/28)
We’ll grow lilies by the following schedules. Ple...
Southern Hemisphere 2011(1/6/2011)
Keigo Nakamura A Happy New Year !! We would ask you mut...
♯5 Lily festa in Nakamura-Noen 2001 Schedule(2010/12/25)
Thank you for your usual cooperation. We arranged sched...
Report of trip to Holland(27/11/2010)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you very much for your cooperation...
Pictures of field in Chile (by Vanden Bos) (18th,November,2010)
After Eight (1.5 years) >Black Out (1.5 years) Gracia (...
Presidential Greeting(11/17/2010)
Presidential Greeting In 2010, We Nakamura-Noen is 55 y...
Presidential Greeting (2010/11/12)
In 2010, We Nakamura-Noen is 55 years old since startin...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by Vanzanten (Oct.26th, 2010)
Naked Scales field NZ Crop 2011 2 year culture field Vi...
Heat wave in July August (Sep.1.2010)
Nakamura-Noen.co.,ltd Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your...
Schedule of our test-greenhouse (sep.2010 ~ june.2011)
We have decided schedule of test-greenhouse as follows....
NL crop ’09 lily bulbs, exported to Japan until Jun 2010 decreased 16% ?! (August 18th,2010)
Thank you for your usual cooperation. Recently, P.F.Oni...
The production area list of 2010 lily bulb in Holland 【Original language version】(7/23/2010)
We inform you promptly that the production area list (m...
The report of business trip to Chile and New Zealand(2010/7/6)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your usual cooperation. I ...
The report of business trip to Holland(June 24,2010)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your usual cooperation. I ...
#4 Lily festa 2010 ★Questionnaire result★ The detail(2010/6/24)
Thank you for your usual cooperation. And now, We will ...
2202 visiters to our Llily Festa.(2010/6/17)
Dear Sirs, Thank you for your usual cooperation. We are...
#4 Lily festa 2010 ★Questionnaire result★(2010/6/21)
Thank you for your usual cooperation. And now, we count...
Report of trip to Holland(June 3rd,2010)
Keigo Nakamura Summer has come, I hope you are doing fi...
【Lily Festa2010】Last 11 days to Lily Festa, Bloom is starting !!(May 24th,2010)
Hiroshi Nakamura; President Takayoshi Inoue; Chief exec...
Please visit our Lily Festa(2)(May 18th,2010)
Hiroshi Nakamura; President Takayoshi Inoue; Chief exec...
Statistic of imported NL lily bulbs to Japan(May 13, 2010)
We have checked import statistic of ’09 NL lily c...
Please visit our Lily Festa: from Jun.4th to 10th, 2010(May 5th,2010)
Hiroshi Nakamura; President Takayoshi Inoue; Chief exec...
Statistic of imported NL lily bulbs to Japan(April 12, 2010)
Japan imported NL crop ’09 lily bulbs 7% less tha...
Pictures of field in Chile by Southern Bulbs (April 2nd,2010)
Southern Bulbs Nova Zembla Curie La Mancha Laguna Siber...
The report of 2010 SH crop(2010/3/26)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your usual cooperation. ...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by P.F.onings. (March 24th,2010)
Island Bulbs Field of Schubben Field picture Rialto Sor...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by Southern Flora (March 22nd,2010)
Tropic Daimond Party Diamond Simplon Casa Blanca Marco ...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by De Jong (January 26th,2010)
NZ・サザンフローラの圃場写真です。 11月~1月の第一週まで寒かったため、摘花が約10日遅れましたが、成育は...
A thought at the beginning of the year as the chairman of JFTA on Floriculture News(1/15/2010)
A happy new year 2010 !! Last year might be one of the ...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by VanZanten (January 14th,2010)
リン片畑 1 2011年産の種球となります 球根圃場 1 軽い雹(ひょう)の影響を受けた畑。ロイヤルトリニティ...
Pictures of field in New Zealand by Bakker (January 11st,2010)
Belladonna Sorbonne Cherbourg Le Reve Rialto Sheila Sib...
SANNA, NZ crop 2009 is flowering!(1/6/2010)
Sanna of NZ crop 2009 is flowering from January 5th(flo...
SH crop 2009 is flowering!(2009/12/22)
Le Reve(NZ)of SH crop 2009 is flowering from today(flow...
Statistic of imported SH lily bulbs to Japan(December 15th, 2009)
Japan have finished importing SH crop ’09 before ...
Kochi Prefecture and Westland-city Netherland singed Friendly-Horticulture-agreement(12/2/2009)
Hiroshi Nakamura Kochi prefecture’s delegation a...
Business trip to Holland (11/25/2009)
Field of Siberia bulb of Siberia Filed of Crystalblanca...
The report of our solar system in “The Nikkei”(Japanese biggest Economic newspaper) (200...
The report of our solar system was published in “...
Much interested in Kochi’s Lily exhibited at Horti Fair in Amsterdam -Japan Agricultural Newsp...
Oct. 16th 2009 Japan Agricultural Newspaper Reported by...
Netherlander delegation visited us (2009/09/17)
Yoshiyuki Hatakenaka(freshman) Our Kochi Prefecture is ...
Business trip to New Zealand (7/28/2009)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your cooperation. I have t...
Report of business trip to Chile (7/21/2009)
Keigo Nakamura Thank you for your cooperation and supp...
Big decrease in wholesales of flowers in Japan Both in cut flowers and pot plants too MAF’s statist...
Hiroshi Nakamura Thank you for your usual cooperation. ...
The schedule of test forcing in our greenhouse (June.2009~June.2010)(July.13th, 2009)
We have planted as above list. We are always waiting fo...
Some chemical restrains smell of Lily(July 13th,2009)
Hiroshi Nakamura (chairman of JFTA) Thank you for your ...